
Generators create more Blocks (content) on a File.

Using Generators

To use a generator, create an instance within your workspace and then invoke it.

from steamship import Steamship, File
client = Steamship(workspace="my-workspace-handle")
# Create the generator instance
generator = client.use_plugin('generator-handle')
# Apply the generator to some text
generator_task = generator.generate(text="some text")
blocks = generator_task.output.blocks


There are several ways to specify input to a Generator:

Raw Text You can pass raw text directly to a generator:

generator_task = generator.generate(text="some text")

Blocks of an existing File You can pass the generator a File id to work on, optionally passing a subset of blocks:

# Pass all the Blocks in the File
generator_task = generator.generate(
# Pass some of the Blocks in the File
# in this example the second and third blocks (zero-indexed)
generator_task = generator.generate(, input_file_start_block_index=1, input_file_end_block_index=3)
# Pass in specific blocks from the file
# in this example the third and fifth (zero-indexed)
generator_task = generator.generate(, input_file_block_index_list=[2, 4])

A query for existing Blocks You can pass the generator a query that will produce Blocks for the Generator.

# Pass all the Blocks in the File
generator_task = generator.generate(block_query='kind "some-relevant-tag-kind"')

Public output If you wish to make the output of the generation public (for example an image or audio file), you can pass make_output_public = True to the call to generate.


When you call generate on a file or via a PluginInstance, the object that is returned is a Task. You can wait() on this task, or continue on to do other work. The output to a generate operation is Blocks. You can always get these blocks from the output of the Task:

# Apply the generator to some text
generator_task = generator.generate(text="some text")
blocks = generator_task.output.blocks

By default, this output is not saved to a File. If you wish the result to be persisted, you can pass append_output_to_file=True to the call, and it will be persisted to a new File:

# Apply the generator to some text
generator_task = generator.generate(text="some text", append_output_to_file=True)
blocks = generator_task.output.blocks
new_file_id = blocks[0].file_id

If you want the output to be appended to an existing File, just pass its id as well:

# Apply the generator to some text
generator_task = generator.generate(text="some text", append_output_to_file=True,
blocks = generator_task.output.blocks
# if we refresh my_file, we will see new blocks

Steamship provides several Generators:

Other generators are available on the Steamship plugins page (opens in a new tab)