

Steamship uses API Keys to authenticate our CLI and client libraries. These keys can be stored in a configuration file, in environment variables, or passed manually to our client libraries.

Steamship Configuration File

Logging in with the Steamship CLI creates a configuration file at ~/.steamship.json. This file contains your API Key, and our client libraries will auto-load information from this file when available.

It looks like this:

  "apiKey": "mykey"

Using Multiple Profiles

The Steamship configuration file supports multiple profiles. To create multiple profiles, use the following structure:

  "apiKey": "mykey",
  "profiles:" {
    "testing": {
      "apiKey": "test-key"
    "work": {
      "apiKey": "work-key"

Use a profile from the command line by setting the STEAMSHIP_PROFILE environment variable.

STEAMSHIP_PROFILE=work ship deploy

Use a profile from the Python Client by passing it into the Steamship constructor:

client = Steamship(profile="work")
const client = new Steamship({profile: "work"})

Environment Variables

If the STEAMSHIP_KEY environment variable is set, our client libraries will prioritize it over your steamship.json file.