

Files are the top-level object for any piece of data in a workspace.

Files hold bytes of raw data (with a mime_type, and processed data in Blocks. A File may also have a list of Tags (annotations).

To do work on a File, it needs to be saved and its content must be in Blocks.

There are a few ways to accomplish this:

It’s useful to think of Steamship Files more broadly than “file on your desktop.” They are any useful object:

  • A conversation between a user and an assistant
  • a PDF file
  • a YouTube video
  • a Podcast episode
  • A Notion page
  • the JSON representation of an AirTable API response

Read the File PyDoc spec here.

Creating Files Directly

The quickest way to create data is to create Files with Block content directly:

file = File.create(
   blocks=[Block(text="Some example text")]

Making File Data Public

If you want the raw data bytes of a File to be publicly accessible, you can set the parameter public_data = True when calling File.create(). This is useful if you wish to share a generated image or audio file, or must make the content viewable in a place that cannot retain your Steamship API key. You can also change the value of the public_data flag on an existing File by calling File.set_public_data.