Agent Guidebook
Generate Speech

Generate Speech

Your agent can speak to you with a voice.

This is a preview: we'll add official support soon.

The src/example_agents/ (opens in a new tab) agent in your example project shows how to return spoken output instead of text.

That agent overrides the run_agent method of Agent service to patch each emit_func in AgentContext with a function that transforms any outgoing text into a voice block:

def run_agent(self, agent: Agent, context: AgentContext):
    """Override run-agent to patch in audio generation as a finishing step for text output."""
    speech = GenerateSpeechTool()
    speech.generator_plugin_config = {
        "voice_id": "pNInz6obpgDQGcFmaJgB"  # Adam on ElevenLabs
    def to_speech_if_text(block: Block):
        nonlocal speech
        if not block.is_text():
            return block
        output_blocks =[block], context)
        return output_blocks[0]
    # Note: EmitFunc is Callable[[List[Block], Metadata], None]
    def wrap_emit(emit_func: EmitFunc):
        def wrapper(blocks: List[Block], metadata: Metadata):
            blocks = [to_speech_if_text(block) for block in blocks]
            return emit_func(blocks, metadata)
        return wrapper
    context.emit_funcs = [wrap_emit(emit_func) for emit_func in context.emit_funcs]
    super().run_agent(agent, context)

Full-working examples of GenerateSpeechTool

The following examples can be copy-pasted into your project:

Use a custom voice

Our GenerateSpeechTool is powered by Eleven Labs. To use a custom public voice, simply invoke the tool as follows:

speech = GenerateSpeechTool()
speech.generator_plugin_config = {
    "voice_id": "pNInz6obpgDQGcFmaJgB"  # Adam on ElevenLabs

To use a private voice, provide your own API key as well:

speech = GenerateSpeechTool()
speech.generator_plugin_config = {
    "voice_id": "your-voice"
    "elevenlabs_api_key": "your-api-key"

To alter the voice stability and similarty boost, you can provide those parameters:

speech = GenerateSpeechTool()
speech.generator_plugin_config = {
    "stability": 0.5,
    "similarity_boost": 0.8