

Steamship uses Tags to represent all commentary about content.

  • The intent of a chat message
  • The embedding of a sentence
  • The sentiment of a phase
  • The markdown semantics of a region of text
  • Identified object regions of an image

Steamship Files and Blocks contain content. Tags hold all data about the content.

The full Tag PyDoc spec is here, but it’s useful to look at a summarized version:

class Tag:
  """Subset of the Tag object -- within the context of a Block"""
  # What the tag is
  kind:  str
  name:  Optional[str]
  value: Optional[Dict]
  # The span of text the tag is commenting upon.
  # Indices are relative to the block's text.
  start_idx: Optional[int] # Start inclusive
  end_idx: Optional[int]   # End exclusive

This design results in a flexible data storage scheme that can be adapted to a number of different scenarios. We optimize our data storage so that you can query over tags and their contents.

Ways to use Tags

Here are a few examples to help you think of how tags are used. The start_idx and end_idx have been left out of the pseudo-code below.

  • An entity
    Tag(kind="entity", name="person", value={"canonical": "Donald Duck"})
  • A part of speech
    Tag(kind="part-of-speech", name="adj"})
  • An embedding
    Tag(kind="embedding", name="my-embedder", value: {
      "vector-value": [0, 0, 0, 1, 0 .. 0]
  • A summarization
    Tag(kind="generation", name="summary", value: {
      "string-value": "... summary of the span covered by this tag ..."
  • A dictionary lookup
    Tag(kind="token", name="ce-dict", value: {
      "chinese": "你好", "pinyin": "nǐhǎo", "english": "hello"

Tag Schemas

Steamship brings together many models under one roof using tags as the common representation for interoperation. But doesn’t fully solve the model interop problem: how do we make sure all models use the same tags?

Where possible, we use a common schema for the kind, name, and value properties of a tag. If all sentiment models produce tags with kind sentiment and a range of names [positive, neutral, negative], for example, then we can swap them in and out as needed.

Our ongoing pursuit of this can be found in the tag_constants.py file (opens in a new tab) in Github. There you will find Python Enum classes that have common tags across our plugins.

  • TagKind class contains suggested values for the kind field of a Tag.
  • TagValue class contains suggested keys for the valu dictionary of a Tag.
  • The following classes contain suggested values for the name field:
    • DocTag for document semantics (HTML, Markdown, OCR, etc)
    • EmotionTag for emotion tagging tag
    • EntityTag for entity tagging tags
    • GenerationTag for models which generate new data from the covered span as input
    • IntentTag for intent classification
    • SentimentTag for sentiment classification
    • RoleTag for role classification

These constants are not required, but using them increases the chance that what you build will interoperate cleanly with everyone else that uses them.

Here is what some of the above tag examples would look like using these enum classes. Notice how it is a combination of standard constant and “magic string” depending on whether a constant exists for that concept.

  • An entity
    from steamship.data import TagKind, EntityTag
    Tag(kind=TagKind.ENTITY, name=EntityTag.PERSON, value={"canonical": "Donald Duck"})
  • A part of speech
    from steamship.data import TagKind
    Tag(kind=TagKind.PART_OF_SPEECH, name="adj"})
  • An embedding
    from steamship.data import TagKind, TagValue
    Tag(kind=TagKind.EMBEDDING, name="my-embedder", value: {
      TagValue.VECTOR_VALUE: [0, 0, 0, 1, 0 .. 0]
  • A summarization
    from steamship.data import TagKind, GenerationTag, TagValue
    Tag(kind=TagKind.GENERATION, name=GenerationTag.SUMMARY, value: {
      TagValue.STRING_VALUE: "... summary of the span covered by this tag ..."
  • A dictionary lookup
    from steamship.data import TagKind
    Tag(kind=TagKind.TOKEN, name="ce-dict", value: {
      "chinese": "你好", "pinyin": "nǐhǎo", "english": "hello"

Block and File Tags

The above text discusses tags upon spans of text. But Steamship actually supports two types of tags: File Tags and Block Tags.

File Tags annotate a File object itself:

  • They are attached to the File object (file.tags)
  • Their block_id, start_idx, and end_idx are always null.
  • They are referenced via the filetag keyword in our query system.

Block Tags annotate text within a Block object:

  • They are attached to the Block object (block.tags)
  • Their start_idx and end_idx fields are either both null or both non-null. If both are null, the Tag is assumed to apply to the whole ``Block. They represent offsets into the text that is spanned by that block.
  • They are referenced via the blocktag keyword in our query system.


  • It is impossible for a tag to cover text spanning multiple blocks.