
Packages and plugins must be deployed before they can be used.

New versions of your project automatically become the “default” version when new instances are created. Unless an instance specifically requests a version, this new default version will be used.

Deploying with the Steamship CLI

You can deploy a package or plugin with the Steamship CLI with single command from the project root (make sure your python environment is active):

ship deploy

If you don’t have a steamship.json yet, the deploy process will create one. After the command exits, wait a few minutes for your new infrastructure to be ready in the cloud. New instances of your project will then be directed to the new version.

Deploying via GitHub Actions

Each package and plugin project is created from a a template that has been pre-configured to auto-deploy within GitHub Actions when certain situations occur.

Before you deploy, make sure the handle and version fields in your steamship.json file are set:

  • The handle property of steamship.json
  • The version property of steamship.json

Production deployments occur upon:

  • Pushes to main
  • Pushes to SemVer-style tags, prefixed with v (vA.B.C)

Staging deployments occur upon:

  • Pushes to staging

When pushing to a SemVer-style tag, the tag’s version must match the version contained within steamship.json. Note that while the GitHub branch must start with v, the version identifier in steamship.json should omit it.

When pushing to main or staging, the version contained in steamship.json is used.

Automated Deployment Setup

Automated deployments can only occur if you have set the following GitHub secrets:

  • The STEAMSHIP_KEY GitHub repository secret
  • The STEAMSHIP_API_BASE GitHub repository secret (optional)
  • The STEAMSHIP_KEY_STAGING GitHub repository secret
  • The STEAMSHIP_API_BASE_STAGING GitHub repository secret (optional)

Setting the following variable will additionally trigger Slack notifications upon automated deployments:

  • The STEAMSHIP_SLACK_DEPLOYMENT_WEBHOOK Slack notification webhook URL (optional)

Modifying or disabling automated deployments

Automated deployment is triggered by the GitHub Actions workflow in .github/workflows/deploy.yml. This file, in turn, invokes the steamship-core/deploy-to-steamship@main action.

To modify or disable automated deployments, remove, comment out, or modify that file.

Troubleshooting Deployments

The deployment fails because the version already exists

This means the version specified in steamship.json has already been registered with Steamship. Simply update the version in steamship.json to an identifier that has not yet been used.

The deployment fails because the tag does not match the manifest file

This means you have tried to push a branch with a semver-style tag (like v1.2.3), resulting in a version deployment whose name must match that tag without the v prefix (1.2.3). Make sure the version field of steamship.json matches this string.

For example, if you are deploying branch v6.0.0, the version field of your steamship.json file must be 6.0.0

The deployment fails with an authentication error

If you’re deploying from GitHub Actions, make sure you’re set your STEAMSHIP_KEY in your GitHub secrets. If you’re deploying from your local machine, make sure you’ve authenticated with the Steamship CLI.