Using Plugins

Using Plugins

Steamship Plugins (opens in a new tab) perform specific tasks related to AI.

This page is about using existing plugins. If you want to develop a Plugin, see Developing Plugins

Steamship supports the following types of plugins:

Plugin Instances

To use a Plugin, create an instance of it. When building into a Package, We recommend doing this in the constructor, and saving the result as a member variable.

gpt4 = steamship.use_plugin("gpt-4")

gpt4 is now a PluginInstance. The instance contains the plugin’s configuration and is locked to the current version of the Plugin.

To use a specific version of the Plugin, pass the version handle:

gpt4 = steamship.use_plugin("gpt-4", version="0.0.1-rc.4")

To override default configuration parameters or provide required configuration values, pass a dict of values in the config parameter:

gpt4 = steamship.use_plugin("gpt-4", config={"max_tokens":1024})

To see available configuration parameters, check the documentation of the specific Plugin.

To use a PluginInstance, call the type-specific methods on it:

result_task = gpt4.generate(text="What's up GPT?")

Plugin invocations return asynchronous Tasks so that you can easily run many plugins and control when you need the results.

See the plugin individual plugin types for further info on how each can be called.

Plugin FAQ

Can I access my plugin over HTTP?

Yes. While the preferred access pattern for plugins is via our SDK, Steamship does expose an HTTP API endpoint for plugin instance invocation.

The HTTP endpoint for plugin instance invocation is:{plugin-method}.

Replace {plugin-method} with the name of the method you wish to invoke on your instance. For instance, for Generators, use generate and for Taggers, use tag.

Your HTTP call MUST use the following conventions:

  • Set the Content-Type header to application/json
  • Set the Authorization header to Bearer {api-key}, replacing {api-key} with your API Key
  • Set one of the following headers: : - X-Workspace-Id (to the workspace UUID for your workspace)
    • X-Workspace-Handle (to the workspace handle for your workspace)
  • Default to HTTP POST if you’re not sure which verb to use. The plugin documentation should specify.
  • Add the arguments as a JSON-encoded POST Body : - This MUST include a pluginInstance field set to the instance handle of your plugin.

For example, the HTTP equivalent of:

gpt4.generate(text='Name three kinds of dogs')

would be:

POST /api/v1/plugin/instance/generate
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {api-key}
X-Workspace-Id: {workspace-id}

{"appendOutputToFile": false, "text": "Name three kinds of dogs", "pluginInstance": "{plugin-instance-handle}"}

The HTTP call to a plugin will return JSON that includes a taskId. For example:

     "status": {
         "version": "1",
         "userId": "<redacted>",
         "input": "{\"appendOutputToFile\": false, \"text\": \"Name three kinds of dogs\", \"pluginInstance\": \"<redacted>\"}",
         "taskType": "internalApi",
         "taskId": "48025A24...F1CF",
         "workspaceId": "<redacted>",
         "taskCreatedOn": "2023-06-28T03:57:41Z",
         "name": "\/api\/v1\/plugin\/instance\/generate",
         "state": "waiting",
         "taskLastModifiedOn": "2023-06-28T03:57:41Z"

To retrieve the output, you can poll the Task via HTTP, using the Task status endpoint (

POST /api/v1/task/status
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {api-key}
X-Workspace-Id: {workspace-id}

{"taskId": "{task-id}"}

If the task has completed successfully, you will see something like:

    "data": {
        "blocks": [{
            "tags": [{
                "kind": "role",
                "name": "assistant"
            "text": "1. Labrador Retriever\n2. German Shepherd\n3. Beagle"
    "status": {
        "input": "{\"appendOutputToFile\": false, \"text\": \"Name three kinds of dogs\", \"pluginInstance\": \"<redacted>\"}",
        "userId": "<redacted>",
        "taskLastModifiedOn": "2023-06-28T03:57:42Z",
        "taskType": "internalApi",
        "name": "\/api\/v1\/plugin\/instance\/generate",
        "state": "succeeded",
        "version": "1",
        "taskId": "48025A24...F1CF",
        "output": "{\"blocks\":[{\"tags\":[{\"name\":\"assistant\",\"kind\":\"role\"}],\"text\":\"1. Labrador Retriever\\n2. German Shepherd\\n3. Beagle\"}]}",
        "assignedWorker": "engine",
        "workspaceId": "<redacted>",
        "startedAt": "2023-06-28T03:57:41Z",
        "taskCreatedOn": "2023-06-28T03:57:41Z"